Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Forum Podcasts

From Outer Space to Inner Space

September 03, 2023 Dr. Robert Alexander Season 2023 Episode 903

Robert Alexander earned his Ph.D. in Music and Technology from the University of Michigan.  As a NASA Fellow, he collaborated with scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center to transform our understanding of the sun and solar wind through auditory data analysis, leading to numerous publications in the field of space physics. By day, he is the co-founder and CEO of Auralab Technologies Inc., whose Breathscape app supports deep meditative states by transforming breath into music through biofeedback. By night, he infuses music with solar data and works with the NASA-funded HARP team to bring the captivating sounds of the Themis satellite to citizen scientists around the globe.

There were videos used throughout Robert's presentation, and he provided access to these via Dropbox. If you click on the Video Files (Dropbox) link below, you will be taken to Robert Alexander's Dropbox folder Movie_Files, and you will see a depiction of the video files arrayed in the order that he used them in his presentation. As you listen to his presentation, Robert "announces" the start of each individual video, and you can start the video on your computer to follow along. NOTE - You do NOT have to join Dropbox to use these videos!

Video Files -

HARP Citizen Science Project -

The Breathscape App: